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Community Blog

National Lost Sock Day

Image for National Lost Sock Day

May 9th recognizes a fun and unique holiday, National Lost Sock Memorial Day.  It is time to say "good-bye" to all the single socks, the ones where their mates have been lost to the unknown.  Where do all the missing socks go? Is there a washing machine heaven?  This is a question people have been trying to solve for many centuries.  An answer may never be found to this problem, and life will go on.  How sad to have lost such a close-knit friend!

In a recent survey of 2,000 people, it was determined the average person loses 1.3 socks each month.  Over 15 socks per person, per year.  Today, we stand together to pay tribute to our dearly departed socks.  We offer some clever ways to honor our lost socks and help those surviving socks press on. 



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